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THE BREAKTHROUGH - (Access to a Fully Equipped gym required.) These programs are overall designed with the intent to introduce different ways to do work in the gym! The program design will encourage you to BREAKTHROUGH your mental boundaries, push beyond your body’s limit, and find your inner strength that you may not even know you had. If you are looking to build muscle and strength to contribute to your athletic performance, then this program is for you. Through different variations of reps, consistent use of machines, dumbbells, and barbells this program will help navigate you through every bit of what your gym has to offer. Questions? Check the F-A-Q



INTERMEDIATE BREAKTHROUGH - To my intermediate, yet experienced athlete:

This level of programming is designed to take your training that you are familiar with and give it a promotion! Over a six week coarse you will be given a new workout every week (Mon-Fri) with a unique workout for each day. I introduce you to breaking down the muscle groups while focusing on weightlifting with a superset style, introduction to drop sets, and weekly cardio options. This level of program is great for those wanting to build lean muscle while boosting your metabolism and take that next step into transforming your body and your way of exercise!



ADVANCED BREAKTHROUGH - It is time to push it to the max. When we feel like we cannot do another rep - we do a whole extra set.

This level of programming is designed to go beyond your own limits, encouraging you to push through muscle fatigue and advance your muscle endurance. This level is by far the most challenging, due to the art of the reps created. Breakthrough the boundaries and grow your strength while letting the results speak for your hard work. Over a six week coarse you will be given a new workout every week (Mon-Fri) with a unique workout for each day. From cardio options to supersets and drop sets, to pyramid reps until “failure”- you will push your body to a new level you may not have even known you were capable of!




Through personal training, I want to show all my athletes that it is possible for anyone and everyone to reach their full potential as long as they are to CHOOSE to transform. That being said, as an athlete there is not always a “one size fits all” when it comes to planning your fitness goals. This is where customization comes in. Through 1on1 training, I make a plan that is strictly made for your specific goals and athletic capability. Through the design of personalization, I am able to listen to your specific needs, and blueprint a workout plan made just for you! Through this portion I encourage you emerge from “average” and help you pick a fight with your own limitations. These plans go beyond a “quick fix.” It will require dedication and showing up for yourself. I give you the plan but it is up to you to put it in motion!